What is AA?
Alcoholics Anonymous is a worlwide fellowship of men and women who help each other to stay sober.
They offer the same help to anyone who has a drinking problem and wants to do something about it.
Since they are all alcoholics themselves, they have a special understanding of each other.
They know what the illness feels like - and they have learned how to recover from it in A.A.
A.A. members say that they are alcoholics today - even when they have not had a drink for many years.
They do not say that they are "cured".
Once prople have lost their ability to control their drinking, they can never become "former alcoholics" or " ex-alcoholics".
But in A.A., they can become sober alcoholics, recovered alcoholics.
(from the leaflet "A brief guide to Alcoholics Anonymous")
They offer the same help to anyone who has a drinking problem and wants to do something about it.
Since they are all alcoholics themselves, they have a special understanding of each other.
They know what the illness feels like - and they have learned how to recover from it in A.A.
A.A. members say that they are alcoholics today - even when they have not had a drink for many years.
They do not say that they are "cured".
Once prople have lost their ability to control their drinking, they can never become "former alcoholics" or " ex-alcoholics".
But in A.A., they can become sober alcoholics, recovered alcoholics.
(from the leaflet "A brief guide to Alcoholics Anonymous")